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Toxo View from the history, Toxo is a parasite protozoa
single cell cause Toxoplasmosis.
This virus first times found in the rodent in North Africa which is called by Charles gondii Nicolle and Lonis Manceaux in Laboartorium Pasteur Institute in Tunisia in 1908. More life cycle found in the new year 1970 finding that sexual cycle in the cat as hospes keep its, while the mediator is hospes different types of birds and mammals, including humans.
Toxoplasma gondii (in a medical world) wide-spread in nature, both in humans and animals,and is one of the causes of disease infection that most often occurs in humans in the entire surface of the earth. Figures perevalensi Toxoplasmosis in different countries vary, does not distinguish gender men and women.

Toxoplasma gondii is one sel animals called protozoa. This is a parasitic protozoa in the body of animals and humans. Toxoplasmosis considered as zoonosis diseases, the disease can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Similar to butterfly, T. Gondii also have a life cycle with a manifold. Transmission occurs primarily through the form of ookista (such as eggs) and bradizoit form that is usually found in the meat is not cooked thoroughly.

Most of the T. Gondii in three main forms, namely: ookista, tachyzoit and bradizoit. Ookista form only in the definitive gut wet nurse, the nation's cats. Ookista issued through the feces. When consumed by humans or other animals, developed into tachyzoit (tropozoit). This form is a form that can propagate itself quickly.

In the pregnant women, tachyzoit can infeksi fetus. Occupy network Tachyzoit muscle and nerve system such as the brain, and then changed to bradizoit. Bradizoit in meat that is not cooked, if eaten accidentally changed back into tachyzoit and start the cycle again reproduce themselves. For more details

  • To more clearly it is this cycle of life and its ways of transmission

Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii was first raised in 1970 as a wet nurse and definitive (penjamu) is a group including familia Felidae cat - a cat that has been occur domestikasi. Warm-blooded animal, human, and poultry as a mediator iang (Dubey, 1998). Cats that terdomestikasi is a very important group for the occurrence of toksoplasmosis on another animal or human. This parasite is transmitted in three ways, namely in a way that is kongenital through plasenta, consume meat contamination by the cyst and the origin of cat feces containing ookista. In silkus his life on the phylum Amplicomplexa the 3 stages, namely stages takizoit the stadium multiplikasi active tropozoit and usually observed in acute infection. Stadium is most often found on the body organs especially the brain, muscle meat, heart muscle and eye (Sciammarella, 2001; Ghaffar, 2001).

Bradizoit Stadium is a stadium where the cyst is not active and are in the network and are infektif, and third stages ookista stadium is located in cat faeces. In their life cycle by intraselular cells in the medium to wet nurse wet nurse and then perform multiplikasi and parasites have life cycles that are phase obligat with sexual and aseksual. Sexual cycle occurs in the body of a cat and aseksual cycle occur in the different between the wet nurse who is very varied. .

Cats infected by Toxoplasma gondii after ingest food containing cyst in the existing network between body wet nurse (rodensia, birds, etc.) are infected. Parasites will multiplikasi in the small bowel wall and produce ookista. Ookista this will be a ekskresi through feses in large numbers for 2 - 3 weeks, within 5 days ookista will experience sporulasi and to infection another animal or human. Ookista is very resistant to changes in environmental conditions and will survive and who dwells in the land on wet or sandy soil. Intraintestinal infections occur during the cat, will be broken in the cyst lumen and intestinal penetration enterosit in the intestine and through the lamina propia in the body and then bereplikasi quickly and become a stadium takizoit (silkus ekstraselular intestinal) (picture 2). Stadium is a stadium that are associated with acute pathology description. At the stadium this process the body's immune response will be very helpful, this is due to the stadium takizoit will quickly spread and bereplikasi in epitel intestinal cells (entero-epitelial cycle) and overlooks a network body wet nurse. This is the peak of the cycle of sexual reproduction.

There is a cat's immune system, cause the release ookista stopped and detained takizoit development and will result in a formation called bradizoit (replication occurs in slow). Stadium is usually found in the brain and nerve network or heart muscle. Slowly this stadium will change to cyst and cause an infection in the female trader chronicles intermediaries (Dubey, 1999; Smith and Rebuck, 2000; anonymous, 2001b; Sciammarella, 2001).

Sexual cycle occurs only in the group and feline cat swallow begins as the network that contains the cyst or bradizoit. Fertilisasi occur in the intestine and will form ookista.At the time of contact with air, ookista will learn differentiation and form two sporokista, each - each sporokista will contain 4 sporozoit. The entire cycle occurs during the 3 - 10 days from the time tertelannya bradizoit and 18 days after ingesti ookista. The infected cat will produce ookista in the number of thousands (Dubey, 1999; Anonymous, 2001b).

Bradizoit can be found 5 to 6 days after infection and the form of a cyst found on various networks, especially brain and nerve network. The number of cyst will increase and reach its peak in 2 - 12 weeks after infection, and will slowly decline due to periodic ruptur cyst. Bradizoit were released from the cyst and will be signed in to encircle the cell and then form a new cyst,
and usually will circumnavigate the cyst ruptur or bradizoit this will change to takizoit. There bradizoit and takizoit that can be infected toksoplasmosis which chronicles(Dubey, 1999; Anonymous, 2001c; Rebuck and Smith, 2000).

According to Wu in 2001, this parasite transmission to humans because:
  • swallow food contamination ookista the sporulasi.
  • Swallow the meat or the brain that contain bradizoit.
  • Kongenital a result of infection transmitted through plasenta of pregnant women to the fetus in the womb.

Cats are the definitive wet nurse as a wet nurse and ookista in addition will produce an bradizoit it will be in ekskresi through feses.Feses then this water will be mixed, land and cattle feed that is open (Lawrence, 1995; Weigel etal, 1999; Dubey, 1998), so it can spread to humans. Reported that in cat feces that enter the human in the water, land and feed pigs in swine farms in Illinois in which many of them also find a cat, a point that found in ookista in feses and cat fur, land, water and feed the pigs a in the livestock environment. In addition to the ookista found in it have also found positive results toksoplasmosis on blood samples from people - people who handle the processing of pork (92%), handling of feed pigs and cats 74% of the 174 workers (Weigel et al, 1999). According to the European multicentre case control study, comparison between the transmission through the cyst is in the meat and ookista from feses cat to human 5-10 times higher risk on its people to the consumption of meat (Anonymous, 2001).

Meat is the route of transmission of many reported in the year - last year. Pigs, goats, sheep and cattle are very important as a source of transmission of Toxoplasma gondii. In addition to livestock is also on the cattle, poultry and animal prey (Dubey, 2000, Figueiredo, 2001). Estimated that 50% of people infected with Toxoplasma gondii in the United States due to consumption of poultry meat(Roghmann, 1999), so that the attention of higher compare Foodborne pathogenic in others, because a decrease in productivity and increased health care costs (Frenkel and Robert, 1990 ). According to Dubey in Figueiredo, 2001 that the infected goats by Toxoplasma gondii in the vaginal mucosa, saliva, nasal sekresi, urine and milk of water diekskresi contain takizoit. Swallow occurred because of the cyst on the brain, flesh, heart or other organ of origin of cattle, which made its process pemasakka less perfect or less the evaporation process. From the results of the research serologi on 1000 pregnant women in Europe indicate that between 30 - 63 percent of infected toksoplasma consume meat because of its less penangannan in perfect concoction or evaporation (Gilbert, 2000) and 17% because of contact with the contagious ookista in the land. Risk of contracting by Toxoplasma also came from women who prepare raw meat for cooking, drinking milk that is not specific to its pasteurisasi goat milk, raw eggs, or the person who is always in contact with animals, eating vegetables or fruit that is not washed. Seroprevalensi against toxoplasma found high on people - people of Nepal have kebiasan eat raw meat and keep the cat inside the house. In this study a cross-appeal in the district, and districts that have a habit consume raw meat, which is seroprevalen high point in the appeal the district does not consume (Rai et al, 1999, Anonymous, 2001â). According Roghmann et al 1999, that the Adventist people in Maryland who do not normally eat, and meat or fish products to its appeal is in control with the person who always consume the meat products point is a significant result.According to research from consuming the meat habit, the age, race, body immunity is also a role in transmission toksoplasmosis (Dubey, 1998; Roghmann, 1999; Weigel, 1999). Seroprevalensi incident toksoplasmosis the world vary widely dijepang namely 12%, 21-36% in the UK and the United States, while in France and El Salvador are very high, namely 84 - 90% (Smith and Rebuck, 2000).

According to Gilbert in 2001, that pregnant women who suffer toksoplasmosis 25% will
send it to fetus. Toksoplasmosis kongenital transmission occurs when infection at the time gestasi and the abortus in the first trimester of pregnancy (Dubey, 1999; Smith and Rebuck, 2000), in addition can also occur causing its early birth, disruption in infants born in the right form, with the birth weight the abnormal body, blindness, hearing loss, mental disturbance development (Frenkel, 1990; Weigel, 1999), when pregnant women are infected in one second or third trimester of pregnancy the baby is going to reveal the scale of pem (hidrochepalus) (picture 3 ), or retina eye lesi on the special (picture 4) and brain (Lawrence, 1995; Dubey, 1999; Sciammarella, 2001).

  • This is his PATHOGENESA

Toxoplasma gondii is a prasit intraselular pitch and so on reproduction in cells. Most cases in humans in toksoplasmosis can consume the network that contains the cyst is in the process of meathis concoction less perfect or raw meat. In addition, direct contact with soil or water contamination by coal tar containing feses cat ookista that are not directly in contact with food or drink. Other form of transmission is through plasenta pregnant women who suffer toksoplasmosis (Dubey, 1999; Anonymous, 2001â). Bradizoit existing in the network or the tropozoit separated from ookista will do epitel penetration to the intestinal cells and multiplikasi. Toxoplasma will spread locally on limfoglandula mesenterika through the intestine and blood vessel limfe and will spread to all organs. Before other organs become damaged, nekrosis will occur first in the intestine and limfoglandula mesenterika, then going focal necrosis occurred in other organs.

Clinical picture will appear soon after some time the network damage occurred organ especially the eyes, heart, and adrenal gland. Gen. nekrosis on the organ - the organ caused by the multiplikasi intraselular from takizoit (Dubey, 1999; Dubey, 1999). Fifteen to 85% population of children - children of the world by chronic toxoplasma infection is influenced by geographic conditions (Dubey in Fuentes, 2001) temperature or humidity (Anonymous, 2001â). With the factors of temperature and humidity according ookista will be able to survive several months to more than one year. Fly, worm, cockroach and other insects may be regarded as agents in the mechanical spread of this parasite. The other factor is the effect age, according to research conducted by Martin Lawrence in 1995, that the effect of age on serologi people who consume the meat of pigs that his concoction not perfect and the people who always handle raw meat.

Levels of mortality and morbiditas of this parasite is high enough on the patient imunocompromise (AIDS, cancer, transplant) and on the children - children who are contagious through his mother (Dubey, 1999; Smith and Rebuck, 2000). Conditions that usually appear on people imunocompromise membrane form of brain inflammation or abses that can happen is two-fold.
  • clinical symptoms of this toksoplasmosis kongenital

Estimated that more than 3000 people who suffered toksoplasmosis kongenital in the United States each year do not show symptoms. Symptoms will appear and is the individual. Serious symptoms appear on the baby who was born and born early abortus (1: 10 infants were infected) (Anonymous, 2001â) found with symptoms of eye infections, liver and spleen enlargement, in the eyes and yellow skin and pneumonia, and ensepalopati followed by death. While the baby is born normal, symptoms appear after a few weeks, months or years after birth. This found many symptoms after the age of pubertas such as the interference in the eyes until blindness occurs, a failure on the nerve system, interference hearing (deaf-mute), Demand, yellow due to heart trouble, erupsi skin, respiratory disturbances (Anonymous, 2001b). In the form of a latent form of damage usually psikomotor, konvulsi and head enlargement (hidrosepalus). At 69% of cases associated with korioretinitis with the increase in brain volume (Chandra, 2001). On imunocompromise people, namely people with AIDS, cancer or organ transplants will be quickly visible symptoms of the nerve system interference, encepalitis, limfoglandula enlargement, eye disturbances, hearing, respiratory disturbances and heart disturbances and mortality in patients over the high (Anonymous, 2001b; rebuck and Smith, 2000; Theobald 2001).

  • Diagnosis

To do diagnosis against disease toksoplasmosis can be done several ways that can use serologi or histopatologi examination. With only see the symptoms of clinical diagnosis can be less in a portrait because symptoms do not appear specific (Dubey, 1999). Examination can be done directly with the notice a dark spot on the retina, making the examination of blood to see if the parasite is spread through the blood to see the changes that occur in the blood picture, and can use the CT scan, MRI to find the parasite is due lesi. Examination can also be done with the biopsy and the biopsy sample from the test can be done by using PCR (Theobald, 2001; Fuentes, 2001), isolation on animal experiments or making preparation histopatologi (Dubey, 1999).

Diagnostic method that is often used with the Indirect haemaglutination (IHA), Immunoflourescence (IFAT) or with Enzym Immunoassay (Elisa) (Figueiredo et al, 2001).

treatment of toksoplasmosis. For prevention against toksoplasmosis with, among others (Dubey, 1999; Anonymous, 2001â, Gilbert, 2000; Anonymous, 2001b)
  • Minimize exposure to the parasite with a way to cook beef, pork, goat and others with internal heating 70oC (158oF) at least 15 - 30 minutes. By doing thawinig freezing,going collection of salt, smoking or curing, cyst can not be destroyed. Avoid consuming dairy goat that is not or raw eggs
  • Avoid direct contact with the land as a potential place ookista, because ookista will be able to survive in the soil in a very long time and is not affected by poor environmental conditions or to use gloves during contact with the ground to wash hands with soap and water
  • Avoid cross-contamination between raw material with material that has been cooked meals
  • Sink to wash vegetables and fruits that will be consumed
  • Clean your hands with soap and water after preparing raw meat to be cooked
  • Remove the cat from the cage feses cat every day to prevent ookista sporulasi
  • Do infections in the cat using Cage washing with boiling water or the sterilization 55oC, infection in the chemicals do not destroy ookista
  • Does not provide raw meat to the cat and let a cat stay at home not to hunt wild birds or rodensia
  • Pregnant women to avoid consuming the meat in a less perfect concoction (smoked meat, salami, etc.) and milk or products that are not pasteurisasi.

  • Giving antibiotics is one way to toksoplasmosis for treatment. Antibiotics that are frequently in use is a combination of pyrimethamine and sulfonamide, and this effective combination for acute infections (Sciammarella, 2001). According to Wu in 2000, other drugs that can be used in the preparation azitromycin, clindammycin and atovaquone. Vaccination at the time of this new development.

I hope all of us can avoid, and can live healthy and grateful to god

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Herbs Plants for Healthy

Natural medicine for high blood pressure is a herbal supplement that dapt you apply in daily life.
are important risk factors coronary heart disease. Hypertension is the body less able to lose or control blood pressure so that the excess pressure is known as normal or high blood pressure.
If not restrained, hypertension can cause complications to the brain so that the stroke occurred, affecting kidney and heart. Risk in the heart can be reached 75 percent a swelling heart (left ventricel hyperthophy), coronary blood vessel constriction (coronary artery disease), or a combination of both. Third complications will increase the number kardiovaskuler death or heart failure.
Therefore, the introduction of early hypertension and of its will be able to decrease the death rate is. Unfortunately, people often ignore the symptoms because hypertension itself is less meaningful. In addition, knowledge about hypertension control is still very minimal, because the expensive cost of treatment must be lifelong, and knowledge about hypertension campaign also minimal.
The first step to treatment and control of hypertension in non-medical can be done starting with the healthy pattern of living, ie, regular exercise, balanced eating pattern, broadcaster and treat diseases such as diabetes. If the handling of non-medical this does not work then must be forwarded to the medical effort.

Celery and mustache Cats

Until now, the medicine that the doctors provided medical treatment for hypertension is still dominated by drugs that are expensive. While the purchasing power due to people coming down over the crisis that most of the country. This makes many people jump on the copycat generic drugs, and drugs such as traditional herbal medicine without certain knowledge.
While not all herbal medicine or traditional medicine that has been circulating in the market are proven clinically. From here, the PT Phapros working with the National Heart Center Harapan Kita conduct clinical tests on traditional medicinal plants with the composition of celery (Apium graviolens) and mustache cat (Orthosiphon stamineus beth).
Celery have long known of the Indonesian people as a traditional medicine that can lower high blood pressure. This plant has a proven effect, such as calcium antagonis (the influence of blood pressure).
While the mustache cat that has Betha blocker effect (the influence of blood pressure and heart attack) is a plant native to Indonesia, which is toxic disposal in the body without symptoms of dehydration, kidney function and smooth.
Both types of plants are treated and taken ekstrak for dissolved in a particular composition which is then used as packaging pitofarmaka that can be consumed in practice.
Research that has been started since two years ago was initiated by Dr.Bina Suhendra, President Director of PT Phapros, Tbk, Dr.Aulia Sani, Director National Heart Center, Hospital Heart and blood vessel Harapan Kita, and led by Dr. dr. Fadilah Supari from the data center and the National Heart Research Center Harapan Kita.

This research is claimed to provide a solution for treatment and control of hypertension with low cost affordable by the community and have the property equivalent to import drugs.
Clinical test carried out on 160 persons of high blood pressure are randomly selected and divided into two groups. The two groups are given Tensigard (celery extract drug stash and cat) and Amlodipin (hypertension drug imports similar calcium antagonist which is known and can control hypertension well). The result, after 12 sunday the medicines, the two groups was equally decreased pressure sistolik and distolik.

However, as Amlodipin, drugs derived from celery extract and stash this cat also cause side effects headache. However, according to the expression Fadilah Supari, Percentage headache when consume tensigrad much smaller. If you still do not believe the property is a new drug extracts, may be you can try it with the consumption of celery stew mustache and a cat. Perhaps, this will be more effective

If you have high blood pressure, you should be able to utilize herbal quickly. Prescription drugs that can be for you. In fact, more than 60% of all cancer drugs come from plants. And there are herbs that can strengthen the heart and allows you to pump more efficiently. Currently, scientific studies that validate what you already know that for the first crop of good heart and blood. The best part is, there are no side effects associated with natural herbal cures. This gives a bad name to all the herbal remedies, and even that effective.

It is also important to watch your diet and stay active. After all, a herbal medicine for high blood pressure will not help much if you abuse your body. Are you unhappy with the blood pressure medication? They do so with natural medicine for high blood pressure.

Some people are skeptical about the "medicine plant." More than half of all cancer drugs derived from compounds found in plants. But you should be careful about what medicines for high blood pressure you try. And you will not experience side effects that bad! If you have hypertension but do not want to experience side effects from prescription drugs, natural medicines for high blood pressure may be just what you're looking for.

That was the reason why many people are trying natural herbal cures. But what is most effective herbs for natural blood pressure remedies? This allows more blood, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the heart. There is also a powerful diuretic which is very efficient in getting to remove the excess salt buildup and more people are suffering from high blood pressure. Ia found that people who take garlic exhibited almost 20% less arterial plaque from the people who took placebo. There are many supplements high blood pressure, but you have to choose one that only uses the value-quality herbal ingredients in a large enough dose to be effective. Most herbal products are second-class and too weak to be of much use. With a good natural medicine, you can feel healthy and enjoy an active lifestyle again.

There are other treatments that are magnets

Magnet is believed to help the body with the removal of sour milk, a toxin commonly associated with pain and arthritis.

In the United States there are a lot of research on health effects from magnets. For those who have been helped by magnet therapy, they are lucky.

And if it does not really magnets can improve health, no one is quite sure that in return for all the faith in yourself because you can affect someone's health is also someone with sugesti

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Diabetes mellitus (DM)

Diabetes mellitus (DM)many general is known in the community in general as diabetes is a disease marked by the presence of hiperglisemia (increased blood sugar) is ongoing and varied, especially after meals. have also said that from another source that is the diabetes mellitus is a condition with many hiperglikemia chroniclesmetabolikaberration due to hormonal disturbances, which cause various complications chronicles the eyes, kidneys, and blood vessel, accompanied lesi on the membrane in the basalis examination with electron microscope.

different types of diabetes mellitus have similar symptoms and complications at advanced level. Hiperglisemia itself can cause dehydration and ketoasidosis. Long-term complications, including diseases kardiovaskular (double the risk), chronic renal failure (major dialisis), retina damage that can cause blindness, and nerve damage that can cause impotensi and risk gangren abscission. Complications are more common when the more serious control of blood sugar that the more degenerate.

types of disease are as follows:

World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes three forms of diabetes mellitus, namely type 1, type 2, diabetes and gestasional (occurs during pregnancy)

Diabetes mellitus type 1

Diabetes mellitus type 1 - first called insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM, insulin-dependent insulin "), or diabetic children, characterized by loss of beta cells produce insulin in the pancreas Langerhans island so there lack of insulin in the body. This type of Diabetes may be suffered by children and adults.

To date, the type 1 diabetes can not antisipate.Diet or in the exercise can not cure or prevent type 1 diabetes. Most people with type 1 diabetes have the health and body weight at a good start in the suffering of disease. In addition, the body's sensitivity and response to insulin in type generally normal diabetes, especially in the early stages.

The cause of most of the loss of beta cells in type 1 diabetes is an error that the reaction autoimunitas pancreas beta cells. Autoimunitas reaction can be triggered by an infection in the body.

As for this, type 1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin use, with appropriate control of blood glucose levels through blood testing equipment monitors. Primary treatment type 1 diabetes, although the initial stage, is replacement of insulin. Without insulin, ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis can cause coma and even death can result. Emphasis is also given on lifestyle adjustments (diet and sports). Apart from the injection in general, are also possible through the provision of insulin pump, which allows for input of insulin 24 hours a day at the dose level that has been determined, also made possible with the dose (a water) of the insulin needed during the meal. And also for possible inclusion of insulin through the "inhaled powder."

Type 1 diabetes must take care to take hold. Treatment will not affect the normal activity when a sufficient awareness, appropriate care, and discipline in the examination and treatment is started. Glucose level of the average for type 1 diabetes patients should be as close as possible to the normal number (80-120 mg / dl, 4-6 mmol / l). Some doctors recommend up to 140-150 mg / dl (7-7.5 mmol / l) for those who have a problem with the lowest. such as frequent hypoglycemic events. "Figures above 200 mg / dl (10 mmol / l) is usually followed by a feeling of comfort and do not dispose of water that is too small so that it often causes dehydration. Angka above 300 mg / dl (15 mmol / l) usually require treatment as soon as possible and can be lead to ketoasidosis. Level of low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia, can cause convulsions or loss of consciousness frequently.
Diabetes mellitus type 2

Preview Diabetes mellitus type 2 referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, "diabetes is not dependent on insulin") - occurs because the combination of "disability in the production of insulin and insulin resistance" or "to reduce insulin sensitivity" (the network defek response to insulin), which involves reseptor insulin in the cell membrane. At the initial stage abnormalitas the most is to reduce insulin sensitivity, which is marked by the increase in insulin in the blood. At this stage, hiperglikemia above can in many ways and Anti Diabetes Drugs that can increase sensitivity to insulin or glucose hepar reduce production, but the more severe disease, with insulin therapy and sometimes required.
There are several theories about the causes and mechanism of a certain resistance, but the center of Obesity (fat concentrated around the waist in relation to abdominal organs, it seems not, subcutaneous fat) is known as predisposisi factors of resistance to insulin, may be with respect to expenditure of adipokines (its a group of hormones) that damage the glucose tolerance. abdominal fat is hormonally especially aktip. Obesity is found in approximately 90% of patients developed world with a closed type 2 diabetes. Other factors may include family history and children, even in this last decade it has continued to increase start to affect children and adolescents.

when the patient is not discovered for many years there is a type 2 Diabetes in the body of the visible symptoms of diagnosis is typical of the software or does not exist, without ketoacidotic, however, can stimulate the difficulty caused by unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including kidney failure associated with the disease the vaskuler (including carotid disease / heart attack the main road), the vision destruct, and so forth.

the beginning of the Diabetes type 2 usually, treated with changes in physical activity (usually increase), diet (generally a reduction in carbohydrate feeds), and through a decrease in body weight. This endeavor can return hormone insulin sensitivity, even when the weight loss / burden that simple, for example, around 5 kg (10 to 15 lb), most especially when the deposits of abdominal fat. The next step, if necessary, oral treatment with the hormone insulin production can be in the first treatment is unimpaired, oral (often used in combination) cans still be used to increase the production of hormone insulin (eg, sulfonylureas), and set the release / release that are not appropriate on glucose by the heart (and low requital hormone insulin to a certain extent (eg, metformin), and at the bottom of the hormone insulin rarefy retaliation (eg, thiazolidinediones). If this fails, then the medicine will be required hormone insulin to maintain normal or near normal glucose levels. with the orderly way of life, which in the examination of blood glucose is recommended in many cases, and most especially the most important when taking medicines must care.

Diabetes mellitus gestasional

Gestasional diabetes mellitus (gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM) also involve a combination of reaction and the ability of the hormone insulin is not enough, simulate type 2 diabetes in some recognition. during pregnancy and may improve or disappear after delivery fleet. While passengers may be temporary, gestational diabetes can damage the health of the fetus or mother, and about 20% -50% of women with gestational diabetes flowers; of type 2 diabetes and in life.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) occurs in approximately 2% -5% of all pregnancy. is temporary and full treatment but can not be cured, it can cause problems with pregnancy, including macrosomia (high birth weight), the form of a deformed fetus matters and heart disease since lahir.Itu requires careful control of the medical throughout the pregnancy.

Fetal / neonatal risks associated with GDM include birth anomaly, such as dealing with the heart, nerves of the central system, and [as / when / because] the form of muscle deficiency. Improved hormone insulin matters fetus may prevent distress syndrome and surfactant production of things that relate respiratory fetus. Hyperbilirubinemia can be caused by destruction of red blood cells. In the case of a nettle, perinatal death may occur, most commonly as a result of the abundance of weak placental / poor in connection with the destruction / weakening of vaskuler. Induction / appointment may be reduced with the placental function. Cesarean section may be marked distress if things fetus or an increased risk of loss associated with macrosomia, such as shoulder dystocia.


characteristics of the classic symptoms of diabetes are polyuria (frequent urination that), polydipsia (increased thirst and fluid as a result of improved inputs) and polyphagia (appetite increase). Symptoms can breed; a very quick set printing 1, especially in children (day or month), but may be difficult to be separated or absent & mdash; and expand, a more slowly & mdash; set to print 2 . Is set to print 1 there may also be body weight / burden (in addition to the normal or increased eating) and the fatigue that is not possible. Symptoms may also be a series of printed 2 diabetes in the diabetes patients will be less good. Symptoms associated with the first direct effect of high blood sugar. If the blood sugar up above 160-180 mg / dl, the glucose will be up to the water urine. If the measure high, the kidneys remove extra water to dilute the amount of glucose lost. Because the kidneys produce urine in the amount of water that much, then the patient often urinate in the number of lots (poliuri).Poliuri due to the people who feel thirsty to drink excessively so many (polidipsi).

A large amount of calories to lose water in urine, the patient experienced a decrease in body weight. To this overcompensation’s people often feel hungry, so extraordinary that many meals polifagi.

Symptoms are vague views, dizziness, nausea, and reduced resilience during the conduct of sports. People with diabetes who are more or less sensitive to infection.

Because of the lack of insulin, then before the treatment of type I diabetes is almost always a drop weight. Most people with type II diabetes did not experience a decrease in body weight.

In the type I diabetics, the symptoms occur suddenly and can quickly develop into a situation that called ketoasidosis diabetikum. Sugar in the blood is high because most of the cells can not use sugar without insulin, the cells take this energy from other sources. Parsed and fat cells produce keton, which is a toxic chemical compound that can cause blood to become acid (ketoasidosis). Early symptoms of ketoasidosis diabetikum is feeling thirsty and berkemih excessive, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches and tired (especially in children). Inhalation in a fast and because the body tries to improve blood acidity. Tercium breath smell like the smell of aseton. Without treatment, ketoasidosis diabetikum can develop into coma, sometimes within just a few hours.

Even after the start insulin therapy, type I diabetics can experience ketoasidosis if they pass a one-time injector insulin or stress due to infection,accident or a serious illness.

People with type II diabetes may not show symptoms several years. If the severe lack of insulin, the timbullah symptoms often include often feel thirsty. Ketoasidosis rare. If blood sugar is very high (up to more than 1,000 mg / dl, usually caused stress, such as infection or drugs), then people will experience serious dehydration, which can cause mental confusion, dizziness, convulsions and a condition called coma hiperglikemik-hiperosmolar non-ketotik.

Symptoms associated with the first direct effect of blood sugar is high. If the blood sugar up above 160-180 mg / dl, the glucose will be up to the water urine. If the measure is high, the kidneys remove extra water to dilute the amount of glucose lost. Because the kidneys produce urine in the amount of water is excessive, then the patient often berkemih in the number of lots (poliuri).

Poliuri due to the people who feel thirsty to drink excessively so many (polidipsi).

A large amount of calories to lose water in urine, the patient experienced a decrease in body weight. To this overcompensation’s people often feel hungry, so extraordinary that many meals (polifagi).

Symptoms are vague views, dizziness, nausea, and reduced resilience during the conduct of sports. People with diabetes who are more or less sensitive to infection.

Because of the lack of insulin, then before the treatment of type I diabetes is almost always a drop weight. Most people with type II diabetes did not experience a decrease in body weight.

In the type I diabetics, the symptoms occur suddenly and can quickly develop into a situation that called ketoasidosis diabetikum. Sugar in the blood is high because most of the cells can not use sugar without insulin, the cells take this energy from other sources. Parsed and fat cells produce keton, which is a toxic chemical compound that can cause blood to become acid (ketoasidosis). Early symptoms of ketoasidosis diabetikum is feeling thirsty and hauberk’s excessive, nausea, vomiting, stomach aches and tired (especially in children). Inhalation in a fast and because the body tries to improve blood acidity. Tercium breath smell like the smell of aseton. Without treatment, ketoasidosis diabetikum can develop into coma, sometimes within just a few hours.

Even after the start insulin therapy, type I diabetics can experience ketoasidosis if they pass a one-time the needle insulin or stress due to infection,accident or a serious illness.

People with type II diabetes may not show symptoms several years. If the severe lack of insulin, the ambulating symptoms often include often feel thirsty. Ketoasidosis rare. If blood sugar is very high (up to more than 1,000 mg / dl, usually caused stress, such as infection or drugs), then people will experience serious dehydration, which can cause mental confusion, dizziness, convulsions and a condition called coma hiperglikemik-hiperosmolar non-ketotik.

Diabetes and fasting

Patients are restrained enough to eat only with difficulty, if not fast. Patients with a relatively restrained drug dose did not have difficulties to fast. Drugs given during the fasting are not fasting. For a restrained with oral medication hipoglikemik (OHO) high dose, the dose of drugs given before are not fasting more than the dose sahur. To use the insulin, insulin used the medium term given current are not fasting only. Meanwhile, patients who must use insulin (DMTI) multiple doses, it is recommended not to fast in Ramadan.

Below have tips about the benefits of tea is

a DM for the latest research proves, the tea habit is very beneficial for health. Experts from the University of Dundee via the latest research results, drink black tea may be one way to prevent the disease diabetes mellitus. As dilancir BBC, Monday (3 / 3), Scottish researchers succeeded to find a similar compound in black tea have the potential to overcome the disease of diabetes type 2, or type of diabetes that most often suffer at this time. According to them, this particular compound is able to play a role as well as insulin in the body.
Experts from the University of Dundee led by Dr Graham Rena joint team from the Crop Research Institute revealed that this compound in black tea called Tehaflavin and Teharubigin can replicate the functions of insulin in the body. "What we found in this compound is able to simulate the function of insulin protein that is known by the name foxos," said Dr. Rena publish a finding in the latest edition of journal Aging Cell. "Foxos previously have been the basis of bridge relations between diet and health of organisms in a wide range of variants including the tius, worm and fruit fly. Our task now is to see whether the findings can be translated into something useful for human health," said Dr. Rena . Dr Rena stressed, more research on the findings of this needs to be done. Therefore, he urges people not necessarily mengonsumsi black tea as a treat diabetes. "People need not panic for the amount in black tea and many think that the tea can treat their pain from diabetes. Road we still long to come up with new techniques or treatment recommendations for diet," explained. "Research on us in the womb is still a pre-clinical and experimental stage. Patients who have a diabetes should continue their treatment with a referral from their doctor," he added. Despite so, Rena said, "There is something very interesting from the womb of nature in how to black tea benefits of this cause, both in relation to diabetes and health in general."

on Diabetesi (Diabetes Mellitus patients) have a risk 10 times greater likelihood of abscission thumb, leg and foot compared with those who do not have this disease.

Here are tips from ACFAS (American College of Food and Ankle surgeon):

  • Check feet daily for injuries that can cause dangerous ulcer.
  • Wash feet gently with warm water
  • Moist but avoid a foot area between the fingers.
  • Never cut a thick skin because it can cause infection.
  • Check the inside of shoes before use.
  • Once the show or sign of problems to the doctor immediately check to reduce the risk of even worse.
I hope these tips can help you
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healthy tips

In the modern era is a lot of people about the problem so their body weight. Reducing the weight and attempts seem to look younger has become the life of many people at this time. Many diet products are offered to adapt to the needs of the present, the number of options to be confused even make a product where the most good and the match.

In fact, there are other ways to do the diet to reduce body weight and easily without assistance diet pills. And this way you can reduce the body weight with a healthy way as well as fast. See the following tips:

Portion control

Set your portions, it is better for you to eat in accordance with the portion you eat food from the excessive. When you eat fewer portions, you can eat regularly throughout the day. For example, to create a higher metabolism you can eat 5 small meals a day with a distance of 2-3 hours. This can help your metabolism and also create a permanent full throughout the day.

Avoid Food Sweet

Sugar is the enemy of time starting a diet. For some reason when you start to eat healthy food and a diet, often usually want to eat sweet food. The best way to avoid this problem is to eat your favorite fruit or jelly, when the desire arises.


To reduce the excess water in the body, you even have to drink lots of water to release water stored by the body. We hold the body of water to make sure that did not experience dehydration. When you drink more water throughout the day and every day, it will help remove the excess water in the body.


Try to remain active with fun activities, activities that create relaxed free working days for you. Enjoy with your child, do yoga, walk or do a sports game.

The diet is not easy, but the key to the success of lower body weight is a commitment.In our minds is fortitude that will encourage businesses to conduct a more hard.

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Aspartam Safe or Not?

Year [1981] aspartam get approval from the [FDA] to be used on some types of food. To get this approval, many of [scientific research] that should be reviewed first. Once declared safe for consumption, the FDA would approve them. FDA has been evaluating the use of aspartam in the food and drink as much as 26 times since first approving their use. And from scientific evidence that there is, the years since [1996] FDA approved the use of aspartam as[sweetener] made that can be used in all foods and beverages.

Currently aspartam already in various forms, such as liquid, [granular], [enkapsulasi] and [flour]. Thus, aspartam can be used in various forms and types of food and beverages. Enkapsulasi form a heat-resistant so it can be used for products that require high temperatures in the produce.

After the approval obtained, does not mean there are no other studies conducted. More than 100 studies have been conducted since 1981, and until now, the FDA does not change opinions. Aspartam has now approved its use in more than 100 countries, including [Indonesian].
Head of Biochemistry Laboratory of Food and Nutrition IPB Prof.Dr.ir. Made Astawan said aspartam MS is a low-calorie sweetener with a sweetness 200 times sweetness of sugar (consumption of sucrose), so that to achieve the same point of sweetness required aspartam less than one percent of the consumption of sucrose. Like many other peptida, aspartam energy content is very low at around 4 KCal (17 kJ) per gram to produce sweet, so the contribution can be ignored kalori causing aspartam very popular to avoid calories from sugar.

Excellence is aspartam have a very low energy, have a sweet taste similar to sugar, without the bitter taste, not damage teeth, to reinforce the taste of fruits in the food and beverage, can be used as a sweetener in food or drink in between all the people diabetes.many calories sweetener is not only the experience aspartam metabolism. But the process of digestion aspartam also like other protein digestion process. Aspartam will be split into basic components, and both aspartam components and basically will not be accumulated in the body.

In normal circumstances, fenilalanin changed to tirosin and removed from the body. Disturbances in that process (called fenilketonuria illness or fenilalaninemia or fenilpiruvat oligofrenia, abbreviated PKU) cause fenilalanin buried in the blood and can poison the brain and cause mental retardation. This disease is inherited in the genetic, the body does not produce enzymes capable of processing fenilalanin amino acid, causing a high rate of fenilalanin in the blood, which is harmful to the body.

Both of these amino acids naturally contained in the various the protein food such as meat, grains and dairy products. However aspartam synthetic can be made in the laboratory.Security Aspartam have been declared safe to be used both for diabetes sufferer, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and even children.Exceptions only one, the people fenilketonuria. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), Americam Medical Association (AMA), The American Council On Sience and Health (ACSH) aspartam food that is safe for health, only affect the sweet.

Research using aspartam a bolus of 34 mg / kg of body weight showed that although the results of metabolic aspartam can pass through blood sawar Hampi, the number is not meant to cause disruption to be nerve in the fetus. Research made to the people, not animals mouse explains that there is no evidence that the soda drinks that contain sweeteners aspartam can increase the risk of occurrence of cancer. Aspartam can be parsed by the body into two amino acids and sweeteners, including nutritif. Only, aspartam not stand high temperatures, because the high temperature aspartam unravel into a compound called diketopiperazin that although it is not harmful to the body, but no longer sweet. Therefore, aspartam not be used in cakes and manufacturer of products used only for drinks, ice cream, and beer, wine, yoghurt. If digested by the body to normal, aspartam will generate acid aspartat and fenilalanin. Thus, it is safe to eat.

Fenilketonuria is a disease in which the sufferer can not made in the metabolism fenilalanin is good because the body does not have the enzyme that mengoksida fenilalanin become tirosin and the damage can occur in the brain of children. And because it is necessary to control the Feed fenilalanin was. The disease has never been found in Indonesia, but the white people, Hobbes is why only one per 15,000 people. Not only aspartam, but also all kinds of foods that contain fenilalanin including rice, meat and dairy products. Therefore, in every product that contains aspartam there are signs warning people to fenilketonuria that consumed the products contain fenilalanin.

To increase the security factor in their use, the FDA also provide the boundaries of the recommended. The term used is Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), which means that the Feed the daily allowed. Size used is the amount of sweetener per kilogram of body weight per day which can be consumed safely throughout their life without risk. ADI is a conservative level, which generally represents the amount of 100 times smaller than the maximum level that does not show side effects in animal research. ADI to aspartam is 40 mg / kg of body weight.
Later this security for the use of aspartam start in question by many parties, but that has been certified safe by the FDA and the European FSA finally called controversy. More thorough investigation began many proposed to explain how the relationship between aspartam and many negative effects that may in timbulkan by such as headaches, brain tumors and limpoma.Semua this discovery, added the possibility of danger aspartam truth will make people start thinking back to using aspartam.

In the final this many outstanding issues regarding the use of aspartame is with the name of Food And Drug Control Agency. To this for the Food And Drug Control Agency on 12 July 2006 and through the Head of Legal and Public Relations Bureau has issued a letter of rebuttal about it, and then followed that with LETTER - Tax circular: KH. August 11, 2006 from the Head of State for Drugs and Food Dr. Husniah R. Thamrin Akib, MS, MKes, Sp.FK, defiance News About Food Products Containing the Artificial Sweeteners.
So far there is no use of aspartame in thin foods, beverages, and supplemen origin in accordance with the suggestion that applicable in Indonesia.

Study science in the study showed that the human digestive aspartam metabolisme and quickly unravel into amino acids, acid aspartat, fenilalanin, and metanol, so it can increase the rate of fenilalanin in the blood. Therefore, on the label, should be included special warning for people fenilketonuria.

To increase the security factor in their use, the FDA gave the boundaries of the recommended. The term used is Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), which means that the Feed the daily allowed. Size used is the amount of sweetener per kilogram of body weight per day which can be consumed safely throughout their life without risk. ADI is a conservative level, which generally represents the amount of 100 times smaller than the maximum level that does not show side effects in animal research.

The amount is safe enough and almost not be exceeded in the general day-to-day. In fact, the amount we consume on average only about 10% of the ADI. This is due to the high level of sweetness of the sweetener-sweetener. This means that the amount has been able to give a little sweet taste that high. Food And Drug Control allow aspartam as sweeteners with the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) of 40 mg / kg of body weight.

The use of in a long time and side effects
Although the FDA is approving aspartame (1981) as a safe artificial sweetener consumed, but various studies to ensure the security of aspartame is still done, and there has been no report of the research supported by the data accurately states that aspartame have dangerous side effects such as which only recently (FDA Statement, May 8, 2006)

Aspartame safe to use by people of all ages except PKU (phenylketonuria), people with this aberration is usually detected since the baby.

To ward issues that connect with aspartame cancer research conducted on a man (not animals / mouse) on aspartame in the report and inform 4 April 2006 in meeting the American Association for Cancer Research. Research of this explains that there is no evidence that the soda drinks that contain sweeteners aspartam can increase the risk of occurrence of cancer. The results of this research is to improve the risk of bad opinion about the use of aspartam, said Michael Jacobson, the leader of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, where one year ago said that aspartam danger for the health of the results of research on animals rats.

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