Danger of diabetes is very large and can enable people with weak kidneys, become blind, suffering from the disease and the foot of the many serious complications and cause a high mortality rate. Diabetes patients at risk every day because of blood sugar is not controlled. Blood glucose level that can change throughout the day, especially when eating,conduct activities, and even if you are drinking diabetes drugs. Medical research proves that when the blood glucose level is very high - be in the danger zone - so many people who will suffer the disease diabetes heart disease. Research shows eight of the 10 people who contract the disease diabetes affected heart attack.
They have a high risk of diabetes is infected with a family history a disease with diabetes. This is common when someone enters the age above 40 years, the overweight, is exposed to high blood pressure, in addition, of course, eating the wrong use patterns.An estimated one out of eight people in urban areas can have a diabetes. The high number of people in urban areas, was caused by changes in lifestyle its community.
Complex substance consisting of sugar in the blood vessel walls, causing blood vessel leakage and experienced thick. This result thick occur in the region the blood flow will be reduced, especially for the skin and nerves.
Blood sugar is not controlled rate also tends to cause the fatty substances in the blood increases, so the speed of a aterosklerosis (plaque storehouse of fat in the blood vessel). Aterosklerosis is 2-6 times more common in diabetics.
Poor circulation of blood through the blood vessel is large (macro) can harm the brain, heart, and blood vessel foot (makroangiopati), whereas blood vessel small (micro) can harm the eyes, kidneys, nerves and skin and slow healing of wounds.
Complications that occur more often and turn off the heart attack and stroke.
Blood vessel damage to the eyes can cause disturbances of vision due to damage to the retina eye (retinopati diabetikum). Deviation kidney function can cause kidney failure, so people have to wash the blood (dialisa).Interference on the nerves can learn some manifestation in the form of. If you have a nerve aberration function (mononeuropati), then an arm or leg in a normal suddenly become weak.
If the nerves that go to the hand, leg and foot were damaged (polineuropati diabetikum), then on the arm and leg can be perceived as pain or pins and burned weakness.
Cause damage to the nerves of the skin more often due to injury can not ease pressure and temperature changes. The reduced flow of blood to the skin can also cause ulkus (ulcer) and all running slow wound healing. Ulkus in the foot and can be experienced in infection and the old so it must be part of the leg be amputated.
The main objective of diabetes treatment is to maintain blood sugar in the normal range. However, the blood sugar is really hard to be normal.
However, the approach the normal range, then the possibility of the occurrence of complications and the long-term becomes increasingly reduced. It is necessary to monitor blood sugar regularly both independently conducted tests with an own blood sugar at home or done in a laboratory near you.
Treatment of diabetes include weight loss, exercise and diet.Obesity and someone who suffered from type 2 diabetes will not need treatment if they lose weight and doing sports regularly.
However, most patients had difficulty lose weight and doing sports regularly. Therefore, insulin therapy is usually given drug or hipoglikemik (in its blood sugar lowering) per-oral.
Type 1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin, but type 2 can be treated with oral medication. If weight control and exercise do not work then the doctor and then give the medicine that can be drunk (oral = mouth) or use insulin.
Group sulfonilurea can often reduce the blood sugar in diabetics type II, but not effective in diabetes type I. Examples are glipizid, gliburid, tolbutamid and klorpropamid. The medicine down the blood sugar in a way to stimulate insulin release by pancreas and increase effectiveness.
Other drugs, namely metformin, does not affect insulin release, but increase the body's response to the insulin to its own. Akarbos works by delaying glucose absorption in the intestine.
Drugs hipoglikemik per-oral usually given on the type II diabetics and if the diet fails to decrease by sport sugar with enough blood.
This medicine can sometimes given only one time (morning), although some patients require 2-3 times the.
If the drug per-oral hipoglikemik can not control your blood sugar well, may need insulin injections are given.
In the type 1 diabetes, pancreas can not produce insulin, so insulin must be given a replacement. The provision of insulin can only be done through injection, insulin was destroyed in the stomach so that it can not be per-oral (swallowed).
A new form of insulin (nose spray) are in the research. At this time, a new form of insulin is not able to work well as a different rate its absorption cause problems in determining the dose.
Insulin injected under the skin into the fat layer, usually in the arm, thigh or stomach wall. The needle used is very small so do not feel too painful.
Insulin is often started down the sugar in 20 minutes, peak within 2-4 hours and work for 6-8 hours.
Insulin work fast often used by patients who undergo injections several times each day and Inject the 15-20 minutes before eating.
Start work within 1-3 hours, reaches peak maksimun within 6-10 hours and work for 18-26 hours.
Insulin can be injected in the morning to meet the needs for a day and can be injected in the night to meet the needs throughout the night.
New effects arise after 6 hours of work for 28-36 hours.
insulin in the packaging room temperature for months so that the stable can be taken to go everywhere.
The most stringent control obtained with injected insulin work faster and insulin are working on morning and evening insulin injection, along with additional work quickly in the afternoon.
Some people with old age requires the same amount of insulin each day, other people need to adjust the dose depending on the insulin food, exercise and blood sugar pattern. Insulin needs will vary according to changes in food and exercise.
Some patients experience resistance to insulin. Insulin is not entirely the same as the insulin produced by the body, so the body can be formed antibody against insulin replacement. This antibody activity affect insulin, so patients with resistansi of the need to increase the insulin dose.
insulin can affect the skin and tissue underneath at the injection site.Sometimes the allergic reaction occurs that causes pain and feeling burnt, followed by redness, itching and swelling around the injection site used for several hours. Its form injections often cause deposition of fat (so the skin looks a lump) or damage the fat (so that the skin grooved). Complications can be prevented by changing the way and change the type of insulin. On the use of synthetic human insulin resistance and rare allergy.
The diet is very important. Usually people can not eat too much sweet food and must eat in a regular schedule. People with diabetes tend to have a high cholesterol level, therefore, recommended to limit the amount of saturated fat in food. But the best way to lower the cholesterol level is to control blood sugar and body weight.
All people should understand how a diet and exercise to control the disease. They must understand how to avoid the occurrence of complications.
People also need to give special attention to the infection so that the feet must be cut his nails regularly. It is important to be examined so that the eye changes in blood vessel in the eye.
Tree is the source of the Kino pharmacopeas Europe. Gum resin that looks like dried blood (Dragon blood), widely used in Indian medicine. This herb has a long history of use in India as a treatment for diabetes. The flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, extracted from the bark of this plant has been shown to prevent alloxan-induced damage to beta cells in mice.
Both epicatechin and crude alcohol extract of Pterocarpus marsupium have actually have been shown to regenerate functional pancreatic beta cells. No other drug or natural agent has been shown for this event.
Bitter melon, also known as balsam pear, is a tropical vegetable widely cultivated in Asia, Africa and South America, and has been used extensively in folk medicine as a cure for diabetes. Blood sugar lowering action of the extract or juice of fresh raw fruit has been clearly defined in both experiments and clinical studies.
Bitter melon consist of several compounds with confirmed anti-diabetic properties. Charantin, taken by the alcohol, consisting of a hypoglycaemic agent mixed steroids that are stronger than the drug tolbutamide which is often used in diabetes care. Momordica also contains insulin-like polypeptide, polypeptide-P, the lower the level of blood sugar when injected subcutaneously into type 1 diabetes patients. Oral administration of 50-60 ml of juice that has shown good results in clinical trial.
Excessively high doses of bitter melon juice can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Young children or anyone with hypoglycemia should not take bitter melon, since this herb could theoretically trigger or worsen low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. In addition, diabetics taking hypoglycemic drugs (such as chlorpropamide, glyburide, or phenformin) or insulin should use bitter melon with caution, as they may potentiate the effectiveness of drugs, leading to severe hypoglycemia.
Gymnema assist in the pancreas produce insulin in type 2 diabetes. Gymnema also improve insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. He came down for the sweet cravings. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes. Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.
Garlic and onion (Allium CEPA and Allium sativum)
Onion and garlic with significant blood sugar lowering action. Principal active ingredients are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin), although other constitutents such as flavonoids also play a role in May.
Experiment and clinical evidence indicates that the APDS lower glucose levels by competing with insulin for insulin-inactivating sites in the heart. This result increases free insulin. APDS administrative dose of 125 mg / kg to fasting humans found cause marked fall in blood sugar levels and increased serum insulin. Allicin doses of 100 mg / kg produced similar effects.
Garlic extract found to reduce blood sugar levels during oral glucose tolerance and blood. Effect increased as the dose increased, but the effect is observed even for beneficial low level used in diet (eg, 25 to 200 grams). Effect is the same in both raw and boiled onion extracts. Hepatic onion influence of sugar metabolism and / or increase insulin release, and / or prevent insulin's destruction.
Additional benefits from the use of garlic and onions that they beneficial cardiovascular effects. They found lower lipid levels, inhibit platelet aggregation and antihypertensive. So, liberal use of onion and garlic are recommended for diabetes patients.
Experiment and clinical studies have shown antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds. Active ingredients responsible for the antidiabetic properties of defatted fenugreek seed that contains the alkaloid trogonelline, nicotinic acid and coumarin.
A decoction of leaves of blueberry has a long history of use in the treatment of diabetes. Complex myrtillin (an anthocyanoside) is apparently the most active material. After the injection is rather weak compared to insulin, but less toxic, even at 50 times 1 g per day therapeutic dose. One dose can produce beneficial effects for several months.
Blueberry anthocyanosides also increase capillary integrity, prevent free radical damage and improve the tone of the vascular system. In Europe, it is used as an anti-haemorrhagic agent in the treatment eye, including diabetic retinopathy disease.
Asian Ginseng
Asian ginseng is generally used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. Has been shown to increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and to increase the number of insulin receptors. It also has a direct effect of lowering blood sugar.
A study found that 200 mg of ginseng extract per day to improve control of blood sugar and energy levels in Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).
Bilberry may lower the risk of some diabetes complications such as cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.
Stevia has been used traditionally to treat diabetes. Early reports that stevia may be useful for glucose tolerance (and therefore potentially help with diabetes), although not all reports that confirmed this. Stevia does not even have direct antidiabetic effects, its use as a sweetener that can be reduced in patients Feed sugars.
Ginkgo biloba extract in May prove useful for prevention and early treatment diabetic neuropathy.
Barberry - One of the mildest and liver tonics known.
Dosage: tincture, 10-30 drops; or standard decoction 3-9 g.
Preventing Complications of diabetes Danger
Monitoring blood sugar is an important part of treatment of diabetes. The existence of glucose can be water from urine; still chew water proofing is not a good way to monitor or adjust the dose of medication.
At this time the blood sugar can be measured easily by its own people at home using a gauge of blood glucose. People with diabetes should record their blood sugar and report them to the doctor so that the dose of insulin or drugs hipoglikemik can be adjusted.
Insulin and drugs hipoglikemik per-oral too many can lower the blood sugar increase hipoglikemia. Hipoglikemia (low sugar in the blood) can also occur if people eat less or not eating on time or do the exercise without eating too heavy.
If blood sugar is too low, the first organ affected is the impact the brain. To protect the brain, the body begin to make glucose from glikogen stored in the liver.
This process involves the release epinefrin (adrenalin), which tends to cause hunger, fear, increased shivering. The reduced level of blood glucose to the brain can cause headaches.
Hipoglikemia must be overcome because in a few minutes can be a serious, sometimes causing coma and brain injury settle. If there are signs hipoglikemia, people should be eating sugar.
Therefore, diabetics should always carry candy, sugar, or glucose tablets to face attacks hipoglikemia. Immediately or people drinking a glass of milk, sugar water or fruit juice, piece cake, fruit or other sweet foods.
People with type I diabetes must always take glukagon, which can be injected if they can not eat foods that contain sugar.
Insulin is given via intravena so to be able to work immediately and dose adjusted. Glucose level, electrolyte and blood keton measured every few hours, so that treatment can be adjusted.
Example of arterial blood was taken for the its acidity.Controlling blood sugar and electrolyte replacement can usually restore the balance of acid basa, but sometimes need additional treatment is given to edit the blood acidity.
Treatment for hiperglikemik comma-hiperosmolar non-ketotik with the same treatment for ketoasidosis diabetikum given the fluid and electrolyte replacement. Blood sugar must be returned in stages to prevent fluid movement into the brain. Blood sugar tend to be more easily controlled blood acidity and not too heavy.
If blood sugar is not controlled, the majority of long-term complications develop progressive. Retinopati diabetik can be treated directly with laser surgery to plug the leakage of blood vessel so that it can prevent damage to the retina settled. Laser therapy early can help prevent or slow vision loss.
Recent research shows that diabetes complications can be prevented, delayed or slowed by control of blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar can be done with therapy, for example wieldy take medicine.
Avoid with Diabetes Lifestyle Change
The descendants of whether someone has diabetes can be affected or not. Besides children, lifestyle also large. Type 2 diabetes often occurs in people who have experienced Obesity. Obesity or overweight is the most important causes of diabetes triggered.
Obesity means excess body weight at least as much as 20% of ideal body weight. The index also means the body more than 25 kg/m2. Excess fat that will cause resistance to insulin. This explains why diet and sports is a method for type 2 diabetes.
With lower body weight and increase muscle mass, reduces the amount of fat so that helps the body utilize insulin better. In fact there is a connection between type 2 diabetes with the most fat stack location. When the pile of fat found in the most stomach is exposed to the risk of diabetes higher.
The researchers also believe that the genes that bring nature Obesity had a role in causing diabetes. Gen gen obes named this set the weight of protein through our news whether we are hungry or not. In the experiments with mice, these genes mutation when the mouse will become a obes and type 2 diabetes.
Research shows that obesity-related time spent in front of the TV and computer. Watching TV will also cause the move does not affect the eating patterns.
How easy, cheap and effective, including:
Hopefully you can help with various efforts to live healthy
»» read more
They have a high risk of diabetes is infected with a family history a disease with diabetes. This is common when someone enters the age above 40 years, the overweight, is exposed to high blood pressure, in addition, of course, eating the wrong use patterns.An estimated one out of eight people in urban areas can have a diabetes. The high number of people in urban areas, was caused by changes in lifestyle its community.
I do not want to frighten them, but how good you are its all you can to prevent that, starting from the tips:
Diabetes complications can kill
Complex substance consisting of sugar in the blood vessel walls, causing blood vessel leakage and experienced thick. This result thick occur in the region the blood flow will be reduced, especially for the skin and nerves.
Blood sugar is not controlled rate also tends to cause the fatty substances in the blood increases, so the speed of a aterosklerosis (plaque storehouse of fat in the blood vessel). Aterosklerosis is 2-6 times more common in diabetics.
Poor circulation of blood through the blood vessel is large (macro) can harm the brain, heart, and blood vessel foot (makroangiopati), whereas blood vessel small (micro) can harm the eyes, kidneys, nerves and skin and slow healing of wounds.
People with diabetes may experience a variety of long-term complications if diabetes is not managed well.
Complications that occur more often and turn off the heart attack and stroke.
If the nerves that go to the hand, leg and foot were damaged (polineuropati diabetikum), then on the arm and leg can be perceived as pain or pins and burned weakness.
Cause damage to the nerves of the skin more often due to injury can not ease pressure and temperature changes. The reduced flow of blood to the skin can also cause ulkus (ulcer) and all running slow wound healing. Ulkus in the foot and can be experienced in infection and the old so it must be part of the leg be amputated.
Terapi For Diabetes Mellitus
The main objective of diabetes treatment is to maintain blood sugar in the normal range. However, the blood sugar is really hard to be normal.
However, the approach the normal range, then the possibility of the occurrence of complications and the long-term becomes increasingly reduced. It is necessary to monitor blood sugar regularly both independently conducted tests with an own blood sugar at home or done in a laboratory near you.
Treatment of diabetes include weight loss, exercise and diet.Obesity and someone who suffered from type 2 diabetes will not need treatment if they lose weight and doing sports regularly.
However, most patients had difficulty lose weight and doing sports regularly. Therefore, insulin therapy is usually given drug or hipoglikemik (in its blood sugar lowering) per-oral.
Type 1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin, but type 2 can be treated with oral medication. If weight control and exercise do not work then the doctor and then give the medicine that can be drunk (oral = mouth) or use insulin.
Following the division of farmakologi therapy for diabetes, namely:
- Oral medications Hipoglikemik (OHO)
- Insulin therapy
1. Hipoglikemik oral medicine
Group sulfonilurea can often reduce the blood sugar in diabetics type II, but not effective in diabetes type I. Examples are glipizid, gliburid, tolbutamid and klorpropamid. The medicine down the blood sugar in a way to stimulate insulin release by pancreas and increase effectiveness.
Other drugs, namely metformin, does not affect insulin release, but increase the body's response to the insulin to its own. Akarbos works by delaying glucose absorption in the intestine.
Drugs hipoglikemik per-oral usually given on the type II diabetics and if the diet fails to decrease by sport sugar with enough blood.
This medicine can sometimes given only one time (morning), although some patients require 2-3 times the.
If the drug per-oral hipoglikemik can not control your blood sugar well, may need insulin injections are given.
2. Insulin therapy Sulih
In the type 1 diabetes, pancreas can not produce insulin, so insulin must be given a replacement. The provision of insulin can only be done through injection, insulin was destroyed in the stomach so that it can not be per-oral (swallowed).
A new form of insulin (nose spray) are in the research. At this time, a new form of insulin is not able to work well as a different rate its absorption cause problems in determining the dose.
Insulin injected under the skin into the fat layer, usually in the arm, thigh or stomach wall. The needle used is very small so do not feel too painful.
Insulin is available in 3 basic forms, each with its own speed and duration of work is different:
- Insulin work fast.
Insulin is often started down the sugar in 20 minutes, peak within 2-4 hours and work for 6-8 hours.
Insulin work fast often used by patients who undergo injections several times each day and Inject the 15-20 minutes before eating.
- Insulin are working.
Start work within 1-3 hours, reaches peak maksimun within 6-10 hours and work for 18-26 hours.
Insulin can be injected in the morning to meet the needs for a day and can be injected in the night to meet the needs throughout the night.
- Insulin working slowly.
New effects arise after 6 hours of work for 28-36 hours.
insulin in the packaging room temperature for months so that the stable can be taken to go everywhere.
Elections insulin that will be used depends on:
- The desire to control the diabetes is
- The desire to monitor the patients blood sugar and adjust the dose
- Summary of daily
- Dexterity in patients learn and understand the disease
- Stability of blood sugar throughout the day and from day to day.
packaging that is most easy to use injections of insulin once a day at work. But blood sugar control package provides the most minimal.
A more stringent control can be obtained by combining 2 types of insulin, the insulin work faster and insulin are working. Second injection is given at the dinner, or when trying to sleep at night.The most stringent control obtained with injected insulin work faster and insulin are working on morning and evening insulin injection, along with additional work quickly in the afternoon.
Some people with old age requires the same amount of insulin each day, other people need to adjust the dose depending on the insulin food, exercise and blood sugar pattern. Insulin needs will vary according to changes in food and exercise.
Some patients experience resistance to insulin. Insulin is not entirely the same as the insulin produced by the body, so the body can be formed antibody against insulin replacement. This antibody activity affect insulin, so patients with resistansi of the need to increase the insulin dose.
insulin can affect the skin and tissue underneath at the injection site.Sometimes the allergic reaction occurs that causes pain and feeling burnt, followed by redness, itching and swelling around the injection site used for several hours. Its form injections often cause deposition of fat (so the skin looks a lump) or damage the fat (so that the skin grooved). Complications can be prevented by changing the way and change the type of insulin. On the use of synthetic human insulin resistance and rare allergy.
The diet is very important. Usually people can not eat too much sweet food and must eat in a regular schedule. People with diabetes tend to have a high cholesterol level, therefore, recommended to limit the amount of saturated fat in food. But the best way to lower the cholesterol level is to control blood sugar and body weight.
All people should understand how a diet and exercise to control the disease. They must understand how to avoid the occurrence of complications.
People also need to give special attention to the infection so that the feet must be cut his nails regularly. It is important to be examined so that the eye changes in blood vessel in the eye.
Also can be overcome with the herbs as medicine for a nutritious Diabetes
Since antiquity, diabetes has been treated with plant medicines. Scientific investigation has recently confirmed the benefits of this much preparation, some really effective. Only plants that appear most effective, relatively not toxic and has many benefits include:
- Pterocarpus marsupium (Indian Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga)
Tree is the source of the Kino pharmacopeas Europe. Gum resin that looks like dried blood (Dragon blood), widely used in Indian medicine. This herb has a long history of use in India as a treatment for diabetes. The flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, extracted from the bark of this plant has been shown to prevent alloxan-induced damage to beta cells in mice.
Both epicatechin and crude alcohol extract of Pterocarpus marsupium have actually have been shown to regenerate functional pancreatic beta cells. No other drug or natural agent has been shown for this event.
- Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia)
Bitter melon, also known as balsam pear, is a tropical vegetable widely cultivated in Asia, Africa and South America, and has been used extensively in folk medicine as a cure for diabetes. Blood sugar lowering action of the extract or juice of fresh raw fruit has been clearly defined in both experiments and clinical studies.
Bitter melon consist of several compounds with confirmed anti-diabetic properties. Charantin, taken by the alcohol, consisting of a hypoglycaemic agent mixed steroids that are stronger than the drug tolbutamide which is often used in diabetes care. Momordica also contains insulin-like polypeptide, polypeptide-P, the lower the level of blood sugar when injected subcutaneously into type 1 diabetes patients. Oral administration of 50-60 ml of juice that has shown good results in clinical trial.
Excessively high doses of bitter melon juice can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Young children or anyone with hypoglycemia should not take bitter melon, since this herb could theoretically trigger or worsen low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. In addition, diabetics taking hypoglycemic drugs (such as chlorpropamide, glyburide, or phenformin) or insulin should use bitter melon with caution, as they may potentiate the effectiveness of drugs, leading to severe hypoglycemia.
- Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar, Meshasringi, Cherukurinja)
Gymnema assist in the pancreas produce insulin in type 2 diabetes. Gymnema also improve insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. He came down for the sweet cravings. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes. Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.
Garlic and onion (Allium CEPA and Allium sativum)
Onion and garlic with significant blood sugar lowering action. Principal active ingredients are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin), although other constitutents such as flavonoids also play a role in May.
Experiment and clinical evidence indicates that the APDS lower glucose levels by competing with insulin for insulin-inactivating sites in the heart. This result increases free insulin. APDS administrative dose of 125 mg / kg to fasting humans found cause marked fall in blood sugar levels and increased serum insulin. Allicin doses of 100 mg / kg produced similar effects.
Garlic extract found to reduce blood sugar levels during oral glucose tolerance and blood. Effect increased as the dose increased, but the effect is observed even for beneficial low level used in diet (eg, 25 to 200 grams). Effect is the same in both raw and boiled onion extracts. Hepatic onion influence of sugar metabolism and / or increase insulin release, and / or prevent insulin's destruction.
Additional benefits from the use of garlic and onions that they beneficial cardiovascular effects. They found lower lipid levels, inhibit platelet aggregation and antihypertensive. So, liberal use of onion and garlic are recommended for diabetes patients.
- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Experiment and clinical studies have shown antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds. Active ingredients responsible for the antidiabetic properties of defatted fenugreek seed that contains the alkaloid trogonelline, nicotinic acid and coumarin.
- Blueberry leaves (Vaccinium myrtillus)
A decoction of leaves of blueberry has a long history of use in the treatment of diabetes. Complex myrtillin (an anthocyanoside) is apparently the most active material. After the injection is rather weak compared to insulin, but less toxic, even at 50 times 1 g per day therapeutic dose. One dose can produce beneficial effects for several months.
Blueberry anthocyanosides also increase capillary integrity, prevent free radical damage and improve the tone of the vascular system. In Europe, it is used as an anti-haemorrhagic agent in the treatment eye, including diabetic retinopathy disease.
Asian Ginseng
Asian ginseng is generally used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. Has been shown to increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and to increase the number of insulin receptors. It also has a direct effect of lowering blood sugar.
A study found that 200 mg of ginseng extract per day to improve control of blood sugar and energy levels in Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).
- Bilberry
Bilberry may lower the risk of some diabetes complications such as cataracts and diabetic retinopathy.
- Stevia
Stevia has been used traditionally to treat diabetes. Early reports that stevia may be useful for glucose tolerance (and therefore potentially help with diabetes), although not all reports that confirmed this. Stevia does not even have direct antidiabetic effects, its use as a sweetener that can be reduced in patients Feed sugars.
- Biloba ginkgo
Ginkgo biloba extract in May prove useful for prevention and early treatment diabetic neuropathy.
Cinnamon - Triples insulin's efficiency
Barberry - One of the mildest and liver tonics known.
Dosage: tincture, 10-30 drops; or standard decoction 3-9 g.
Preventing Complications of diabetes Danger
Monitoring blood sugar is an important part of treatment of diabetes. The existence of glucose can be water from urine; still chew water proofing is not a good way to monitor or adjust the dose of medication.
At this time the blood sugar can be measured easily by its own people at home using a gauge of blood glucose. People with diabetes should record their blood sugar and report them to the doctor so that the dose of insulin or drugs hipoglikemik can be adjusted.
Insulin and drugs hipoglikemik per-oral too many can lower the blood sugar increase hipoglikemia. Hipoglikemia (low sugar in the blood) can also occur if people eat less or not eating on time or do the exercise without eating too heavy.
If blood sugar is too low, the first organ affected is the impact the brain. To protect the brain, the body begin to make glucose from glikogen stored in the liver.
This process involves the release epinefrin (adrenalin), which tends to cause hunger, fear, increased shivering. The reduced level of blood glucose to the brain can cause headaches.
Hipoglikemia must be overcome because in a few minutes can be a serious, sometimes causing coma and brain injury settle. If there are signs hipoglikemia, people should be eating sugar.
Therefore, diabetics should always carry candy, sugar, or glucose tablets to face attacks hipoglikemia. Immediately or people drinking a glass of milk, sugar water or fruit juice, piece cake, fruit or other sweet foods.
People with type I diabetes must always take glukagon, which can be injected if they can not eat foods that contain sugar.
Symptoms of low blood sugar:
- Pain that arises is hungry all of a sudden
- Headache
- Worries arise that the sudden
- Body tremor
- Sweating
- Confused
- The decline in awareness, coma.
Insulin is given via intravena so to be able to work immediately and dose adjusted. Glucose level, electrolyte and blood keton measured every few hours, so that treatment can be adjusted.
Example of arterial blood was taken for the its acidity.Controlling blood sugar and electrolyte replacement can usually restore the balance of acid basa, but sometimes need additional treatment is given to edit the blood acidity.
Treatment for hiperglikemik comma-hiperosmolar non-ketotik with the same treatment for ketoasidosis diabetikum given the fluid and electrolyte replacement. Blood sugar must be returned in stages to prevent fluid movement into the brain. Blood sugar tend to be more easily controlled blood acidity and not too heavy.
If blood sugar is not controlled, the majority of long-term complications develop progressive. Retinopati diabetik can be treated directly with laser surgery to plug the leakage of blood vessel so that it can prevent damage to the retina settled. Laser therapy early can help prevent or slow vision loss.
Recent research shows that diabetes complications can be prevented, delayed or slowed by control of blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar can be done with therapy, for example wieldy take medicine.
Avoid with Diabetes Lifestyle Change
The descendants of whether someone has diabetes can be affected or not. Besides children, lifestyle also large. Type 2 diabetes often occurs in people who have experienced Obesity. Obesity or overweight is the most important causes of diabetes triggered.
Obesity means excess body weight at least as much as 20% of ideal body weight. The index also means the body more than 25 kg/m2. Excess fat that will cause resistance to insulin. This explains why diet and sports is a method for type 2 diabetes.
With lower body weight and increase muscle mass, reduces the amount of fat so that helps the body utilize insulin better. In fact there is a connection between type 2 diabetes with the most fat stack location. When the pile of fat found in the most stomach is exposed to the risk of diabetes higher.
The researchers also believe that the genes that bring nature Obesity had a role in causing diabetes. Gen gen obes named this set the weight of protein through our news whether we are hungry or not. In the experiments with mice, these genes mutation when the mouse will become a obes and type 2 diabetes.
Research shows that obesity-related time spent in front of the TV and computer. Watching TV will also cause the move does not affect the eating patterns.
How do I overcome obesity to avoid diabetes?
How easy, cheap and effective, including:
1. Habituate themselves to live healthy
2. Familiarize exercise regularly
3. Avoid watching TV or playing computer too long
4. Do not consume candy, chocolate, or a snack with a high salt contents.
5. Avoid dishes with the contents of fat and carbohydrate content is high.
6. Consumption of vegetables and fruits.
Hopefully you can help with various efforts to live healthy